Move Over Buzz-ter!

I got home early today after a stockholders’ meeting and various board meetings in Lancaster.  The weather outside was (and is) absolutely beautiful, so I decided to sit outside and read in my back yard.  My back yard is really no yard at all.  My back “yard” is actually my neighbor’s roof which I access by climbing out a kitchen window to our fire escape, and climbing over the fire escape railing onto my neighbor’s [flat] roof.  Unfortunately, there are currently about 20 bumble bees buzzing around right outside my kitchen window and right around my fire escape.  I, preferring not to be stung, was forced to stay inside and do some online shopping.  Totally forced.  Thanks a lot bees; I better like my new ann taylor suit, or ELSE.

Now, after putting it off long enough, it is time to workout just dance 3 style.




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