blast from the past

Just this week my best friend reminded me of an old blogging platform we both used years ago:  xanga.  To this day, I can go back and re-read posts as old as 2004!  My most recent post on xanga is from July 23, 2009.  So much has changed since then!!  Check out what’s changed (in italics):

10. I am working at Stock and Leader as a summer associate – the biggest law firm in downtown York, PA.
I am working as an attorney at Duane Morris – an international law firm with 700+ attorneys in center city Philadelphia, PA.

9. Rob and I have been dating for over 2.5 years.
Rob and I have been together over 4.5 years and have been married just over 2 months!

8. I am training for a 5k in September… with the help of my friend Jill.
I ran the 5k, no problem.  Unfortunately, it would take more training to get me through a 5k right now.  Something to which to aspire… again!

7. My class rank for my first year of law school is 5/251… my never-ending work paid off.
I graduated law school 13th in my class, summa cum laude, and a member of the order of the coif in May!

6. My car is falling apart, and therefore is at the shop being put back together (hopefully for a reasonable price).
I am now–and have been for over a year–the proud owner of a mini cooper.  I absolutely LOVE it!

5. Rob and I are traveling to the Dominican Republic for a week long vacation in August, where we will be staying at an amazing resort.
The Dominican Republic was amazing… and so was Jamaica the following year and Hawaii (honeymoon) this year!  We’re 70% sure that 2012 will be the year of ITALIA!!!!!!!!!!!!

4. Work has forced me to become more accustomed to heels. That is, now I can walk in them, but I still prefer flip flops.
This one hasn’t changed.

3. I just re-watched Anne of Green Gables and Anne of Avonlea and loved it. If Gilbert was a real person, rather than just a character in a movie, Rob might have to watch out.
Gilbert is no longer competition for Rob.  Rob won, fair and square.

2. I cook dinner every Wednesday night for my family. This week’s zucchini “crab” cakes were delicious!
I have not been cooking as often as I’d like, but it’s definitely hard after a long day at the office.  Fortunately, Rob is great at pulling dinners together when he beats me home (i.e., pretty much every week day).

1. It is time for me to go to bed!
It sure is!

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