To whom much is given, much is required.

Tomorrow, a three-year-long chapter of my life ends; I graduate from law school.  Hundreds of pages read, hundreds of pages written, thousands of dollars of debt accrued, dozens of highlighters dried from overuse, dozens of exams taken, and a handful of catastrophes overcome–all for the knowledge now stored somewhere in my brain and a piece of paper I’ll receive tomorrow.  After three years of hard work, I’m graduating in the top ten percent of my class with a great job lined up for September.  It is easy to feel entitled, to feel that I earned these things.  But, honestly, there are many people who have worked much harder than I and have much less to show for it (Nickled and Dimed, anyone?).  I am not entitled; I am blessed.
Today, at a luncheon to induct myself and several classmates into the “Order of the Coif,” the dean of Villanova Law reminded us that “to whom much is given, much is required.”  Luke 12:48.  The gifts God provides to us are meant to be shared.  Whether we are given financial security, special talents, or a great education, we should use those things to help others who are less fortunate.  For there, but for the grace of God, are we.
I have been given so much.  I’m graduating law school with honors.  I have a great job lined up.  I have a wonderful fiance who I am marrying in August, an amazing family who supports me in all that I do, a cute apartment, a car that I’ve always wanted, and great friends.  I only hope that I can accept the responsibility that comes with such gifts.

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